• November 28, 2020
  • 4

Spend Management Software

Procurement is the act of finding acquiring buying goods services or works
from an external source often via tendering or competitive bidding process
the process is used to ensure the buyer receives goods services or works the best possible price.

I'm Jason and I oversee real pages spend management solutions so not
sexy but necessary because even though revenue is way up these days so our expenses.

I'm all about cutting your costs if you don't have a handle on negotiating pricing automating invoicing and vetting vendors then you're not
achieving maximum profitability but with real page you can with an integrated
eProcurement spend management solution that combines purchasing efficiency with purchasing power and complete oversight of vendor compliance.

What is purchasing efficiency? it's the percentage of your invoices
that we capture electronically instead of paper the average cost of processing
one paper invoice is around 6.17 cents by automating invoicing we can bring that cost down to 99 cents per endures.

What is purchasing power it measures of the percentage of your spend purchased
in network with negotiated pricing whether your company wants to negotiate
its own pricing given its substantial portfolio volume or you prefer to take
advantage of our group discounts for growing enterprises and let us negotiate
the catalog prices for you no one else has a solution that will get you a
better price on service and supplies.

What is vendor compliance with our integrated platform we manage key
aspects of vendor compliance to minimize your risk from owner and principal
background checks to enforcing compliance with your insurance and other
specific requirements we do it all no one does it better when it comes to
spend management than real page.

Start your free trial now- Click Here to start. No card credit card required